
Locate & find quicker digital memories of yours

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Trusted by 100k+ happy customers who are using Safepots since 2018.


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268 Rating

Security of data is must! Why so?

As much as we are present in the physical world, we are so in the digital world. The technologies with its advancement has pinned itself with our life.

Additional Security

As we know how businesses prioritized its security, Safepots offers you the additional security for your data.

Safest Recovery

Safepots allows optimization of data for performing and recovering quick.

Automated Backup

Automate back up for all your data.

Best Features of Safepots

“Safepots stands to be the best for your protection of your data, disaster-recovery planning, backups for your various devices- laptops, desktops, smartphones, cloud environment.”

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“Easy To Use”

I had an easy time using their website and application.

Corey Valdez

Founder at Zenix

“Very helpful app”

Very useful and helpful app. Use it everyday, recommend!.

Ian Klein

Digital Marketer

Keep your data at the tip of your finger.

We offer services that is user-friendly, access to quick backing up & the simplest for our clients.